Telephone number
Submitter email
Message contents
Incident category
Select type of incident
**Computer hardware failure - server** (longer than 4 hours)
**Computer hardware failure** - more than 30 workstations simultaneously.
**Impossibility to exercise the rights of the data subject** - failure to delete data despite the request, failure to comply with a request to correct data or limit processing.
**No supervision over copies of documents**, e.g. left on a printer or copier unattended.
**No authorization to process personal data or incorrect or forged authorization.**
**Personal data processed for another administrator without concluding the required entrustment agreement.**
**Personal data processed in violation of the principles of GDPR** - incorrect scope, no basis for processing, incorrect/false data, etc.
**Personal data made available to unauthorized persons or abandoned without supervision.**
**Allowing the use of an application allowing access to the data set by any other personthan the person to whom the ID was assigned.**
**Allowing the use of computer hardware and software enabling access to data by unauthorized persons.**
**Allowing unauthorized persons to connect any devices to the computer network or made modifications to the equipment or cabling.**
**Forgery and deletion of information without authorization.**
**Manipulation of information sent via the network** (modification, introduction of false messages, deletion, repeating or delaying messages, redirecting information, impersonating another User, cutting off or damaging the communication channel).
**Modifying system and application parameters without authorization.**
**Violation of physical security** - burglary, fire, flooding or other similar.
**Violation of organizational security** - unauthorized possession of keys, access to rooms with data etc.
**Unauthorized intervention by the renovation or service team.**
**Unauthorized observation and analysis of network traffic.**
**Unauthorized access to the system from a public or wireless network.**
**Unauthorized access to the system from the internal network.**
**Unauthorized data transfer.**
**Unintentional errors and mistakes by system users resulting in a serious loss of integrity, confidentiality or data availability.**
**Unintentional errors by the system administrator** resulting in: i) loss of availability, confidentiality or data integrity, ii) Disruption of the continuity of operation of the IT System.
**Unintentional introduction of malware by a system user.**
**Leaving and leaving unattended an unlocked room** where the equipment is locatedcomputer used to process protected data.
**Leaving the workstation and leaving the application enabling access to personal data collection.**
**Serious software errors.**
**Leaving documents with protected data** in open rooms without supervision.
**Leaving unauthorized contractors** unattended to perform maintenance work on the IT system.
**Storing documents secured** insufficiently against access by unauthorized persons, in particular, failure to secure documents before leaving the position and the end of the working day.
**Breaking security or bypassing it.**
**Electricity interruptions** (longer than 2 hours)
**Gross violation of work discipline in compliance with information security procedures.**
**Disclosure of passwords or PINs.**
**Lost control over account, login, password, medium, computer** used for processing personal data.
**Use of malware** (viruses, Trojan horses, worms).
**Letting unauthorized persons into the premises and accessing computer equipment.**
**Extortion, theft and forgery of access passwords.**
**Throwing away documents that are damaged enough to be read.**
**Disturbances in network communication affecting more than 30 stations.**
**Water flooding of rooms.**
**Reporting a suspicious message.**
**Report of a malicious domain used to extort data and funds.**