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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing

Security awareness training

Security awareness training is a training designed for employees in the organization. In the conditions of digital transformation of the organization, it is the employee who is the weakest element of system security and is often subjected to social engineering attacks without even being aware of it. Therefore, the training will raise the awareness of employees about the safe use of infrastructure and digital resources, such as computers, the Internet, and mobile devices.

The service includes a set of general topics, but - in its initial phase - the program will be tailored to the specific needs of the customer of the service. The service includes the transfer of knowledge in the following thematic areas:
  • Sociotechnics - what they are and what their effectiveness is based on
  • Methods of recognizing and avoiding social engineering attacks
  • Threats related to email, examples of SCAM
  • Threats associated with web browsing
  • Phishing threats, including phishing
  • Certificate security and the "green padlock" problem
  • Threats related to WIFI networks
The training can be conducted in the Polish or English version. Implementing the service requires limited organizational and technical actions to adapt to the project. The service risk is related to changing IT threats (medium level). Countermeasures and mitigating actions will include monitoring of changes and adaptation of the offer and development of experts' competencies in the desired directions.

Service provided by the CyberSec project.

Do you have questions or do you need detailed information? Email us with questions.