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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


Do you know what you breathe?– educational and information campaign for cleaner air LIFE-MAPPINGAIR/PL aims to build an educational platform dedicated to air quality issues. Within the project it will be possible to forecast the air quality and at the same time it will provide public access to reliable information on air pollution in the place of residence.
The platform will also be a knowledge base on how to reduce the effects of pollution. The project meets current social expectations resulting from the need to improve air quality.  

The main tasks to be carried out for the project are as follows:
  • Design and implementation of an educational portal based on MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) technology. The portal will contain courses/training and a knowledge base on air quality, environmental and health effects and ways to reduce emissions, as well as an air pollution emission and dispersion calculator.
  • Design and development of an information system on air quality in the region, including an emissions portal, an air quality information system and extensive air quality forecasts (ensamble forecasts with assimilation of measurement data).
  • Design and implementation of a social air quality monitoring system, including the preparation and installation of low-cost sensors together with a data transmission system, as well as the integration of the results of measurements made within the network with the said platform.
  • Planning and conducting of information and education campaigns „Do you know what you are breathing?” together with the training of educators.
Schematic diagram of the individual components and functionality of the air pollution emission and dispersion simulator: download.

The project's leader is the University of Wroclaw, and its partners are Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing) and City Hall of Bydgoszcz. The project is a continuation and extension of completed in 2017 project LIFE-APIS/PL project „System of forecasts of air pollutant concentrations and biometeorological conditions as an element of quality of life assessment”, under which, among others, a system of biometeorological and air quality forecasts was developed: powietrze.uni.wroc.pl. Built this way platform will integrate the solutions implemented in the previous project with the new educational and information tools, as shown in the diagram below. Construction diagram: download.


Project start date: 1 April, 2019.
Project end date: 31 March, 2023.
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Image showing state funding.