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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


Project PRACE – Third Implementation Phase (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe 3rd Implementation Phase Project) is a continuation of the project PRACE-1IP i PRACE-2IP. It developed the European research infrastructure PRACE-RI. It was co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (RI-312763).
Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing acted as Third Party of the Polish partner of the project - Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS - PSNC. WCSS participated in the tasks of working groups:
  • WP2 Policies and Procedures
  • WP4 Training
  • WP6 Operations of the Distributed RI
  • WP7 Application Enabling and Support.


Data rozpoczęcia projektu: 1 lipca 2012 r.
Data zakończenia projektu: 30 czerwca 2014 r. (PCP do 30 czerwca 2016)
Finansowanie: 7PR KE (RI-312763)

Infrastruktura badawcza PRACE-RI