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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


Projekt PRACE – First Implementation Phase (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe 1st Implementation Phase) is a continuation of the project PRACE PP. It developed the European research infrastructure PRACE-RI. It was co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (RI-261557).
The project implemented solutions developed at PRACE PP and adapted them to changing technologies and user requirements. Computing centres from more than 20 European countries participated in the project. The first supercomputer made available to researchers was the IBM BlueGene/P (Jugene) with a power of 1 PetaFlops, located at FZJ, Julich, Germany.

WCSS has participated in tasks of working groups:
  • WP2 Evolution of the Research Infrastructure
  • WP3 Dissemination and Training
  • WP7 Enabling Petascale Applications: Efficient Use of Tier-0 Systems
  • WP9 Future Technologies


Data rozpoczęcia projektu: 1 lipca 210 r.
Data zakończenia projektu: 30 czerwca 2012 r. (WP9 31 marca 2013)
Finansowanie: 7PR KE (RI-261557)

Strona informacyjna projektu


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Infrastruktura badawcza PRACE-RI