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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


Within the project PLATON Science Services Platform - Stage I: Shared Services Container the Wrocław University of Science and Technology - Wrocław Centre for Networking and Supercomputing co-participated in the implementation of Eduroam service for PIONIER network users.
The project has extended the implementation in MAN centres in Poland of solutions eduroam (ang. educational roaming) developed under the initiative launched in 2003 by TERENA Task Force on Mobility (TF-Mobility). Eduroam is simple and secure roaming for the users from academic community in Poland, carried out through model secure wireless access systems deployed in all MAN networks and HPCs.

Using the network at a location foreign to the user (visiting another institution included in the system) is done without involving the local network administrator.

WCCSS can assist in the implementation of eduroam solutions in Wrocław. The list of access points in Wroclaw institutions can be found at eduroam.pl. There is also information for those who want to use this service.


Data rozpoczęcia projektu: 1 lipca 2008 r.
Data zakończenia: 25 lipca 2012 r.

Strona internetowa projektu


Strona polskiej inicjatywy eduroam: eduroam.pl

Strona międzynarodowa eduroam: eduroam.org
Deklaracja korzystania z usługi
Regulamin eduroam