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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


The premise of the Dariah.lab project is to create a national intelligent digital research infrastructure for the arts and humanities. It will serve the purpose of acquiring, storing and integrating diverse research data as well as processing, visualizing and sharing digital resources.
For this purpose, a network of distributed laboratories (operating in cooperation with business entities) will be built, equipped with modern tools and resources enabling the implementation of interdisciplinary research requiring the use of various materials.

Detailed goals of the Dariah.lab project are:
  • acquiring, storing and integrating data of various categories and quality
  • processing and sharing of 2D and 3D digital resources
  • multi-context visualization of results as well as analysis and interpretation of many data categories
  • increasing the research potential of Polish research units
  • preservation of Polish cultural heritage and consolidation of the national and European identity of citizens
  • increasing understanding of social and cultural differences
  • support for broadly understood education, especially in less developed regions
  • improvement of regional tourism in the territory of Poland
  • intensification of economic development.
Planned long-term effects:
  • extending the scope of research conducted in Poland in the field of humanities and art sciences
  • digitization and protection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as well as making it available to wide groups of recipients
  • increasing the competitiveness of Polish research centers and organizations related to culture and art in the country and internationally
  • accelerating the pace of development of branches related to creative industries and regional tourism.
The project involves the cooperation of many units within the created laboratories. Wrocław University of Science and Technology (including WCSS) is one of the partners in the project. Responsible for delivering:
  • infrastructure for acquiring high-quality video content, infrastructure for unambiguous data identification, infrastructure for automated delivery of reliable digital repositories (as part of the Sources Laboratory)
  • infrastructure for obtaining machine interpretable representations, infrastructure for transcription, transliteration, translation and annotation (as part of the Automated Enrichment Laboratory)
  • infrastructure for semantic information binding, infrastructure for consolidated dictionaries and thesauruses, environment for data mapping (as part of the Supervised Semantic Discovery Laboratory)
  • infrastructure for interactive multimedia data analysis (as part of the Intelligent Analysis and Interpretation Laboratory).


Project start date: 1 February, 2021.
Project end date: 31 December, 2023.
Financing: The project is co-financed with European Union funds, as part of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Project website

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